Hello! We are Sarah and Kimber.
Two homesteading, homeschooling mamas looking to create a community of local like-minded women who can support each other as we do our best to steward our land and become just a bit more self-reliant. It is our mission and passion to help other women begin their homesteading journey, expand their journey, or just find access to local farmers & resources to rely less on conventional foods at the grocery store. Anyone can “homestead” where they live! Anyone!
Recently, we have been doing monthly homestead events where we join with about 35 women each night, talking about a certain homestead topic. So far we have covered an overall homesteading journey night in October, canning/preserving in November, Natural wellness in December, and in January we are focusing on Garden Planning and Seed Starting.
And that’s why our motto says “…on any piece of land.” We truly believe you can pick up and learn the skills of a homesteader, and grow your own food on any size piece of land - creating a more stable, comfortable life for your family.
These events have beens SO fun! We are connecting women with other women who are on the same path. I remember when we first started our homestead about 9 years ago, we knew next to nothing. I let my husband do “his thing” with the gardening and chickens. I was just happy to support. Now the tables have turned and I’m begging for a milk cow, and he isn’t so sure yet. Ha!
All that to say, I wish we had a community like this when we first started out. People who just know people. Connections. People who can relay the info when you’re ready to buy beef in bulk, purchase seeds from somewhere besides tractor supply, get your first flock of hens, or jump into sourdough bread.
And that’s exactly why Kimber and I started this group. It began with a co-ed homestead event that I did in February of 2023. Twice a year we do a larger homestead event where men and women are both welcome to come and learn! We invite other farmers to come share their expertise in specific areas of farming. Bees, gardening, fruit growing, chickens, raw dairy, and more - to monthly smaller groups of just women who want to dive deeper into each topic.
It’s so important to have a group of local connections when homesteading. And we hope that offering these events will help you do just that!
We are aiming to have our schedule on this page so you can see what’s coming in the near future. This way you can plan to attend whatever classes/events you want. You can find that below, as well as how to purchase tickets.
Schedule is tentative, subject to change
February 16th: Sourdough 101
February 28th: Seed Swap & Garden Planning
March: Sourdough 101 (ten people max)
April: Sourdough 101
Profiting off your Homestead (FB Live)
May: Ladies Night Out Dinner
Co-ed Homestead event Breakout Style
June: Sourdough 101 (ten people max)
July: TBD
August: Canning/Preserving
Moms Dinner Out
September: Canning/Preserving
Bulk Cooking - Meal Prepping
October - Sourdough 101 (ten people max)